Dear Guy Who Said “I can’t date you because of your log legs”…..

You should see me now!

Ankles.  Can we talk about em for a sec?

I happen to hate mine.  I hate my legs in general, actually.  I remember a long time ago in high school an older lady told me what pretty legs I had.  I just wish I would have had enough brain cells as well.  Because if I did, I could’ve maybe realized how important it was to work hard and develop a lifestyle of healthiness and not have the “log legs” I do now.  Log legs.  Isn’t that a terrible phrase?  It’s exactly the phrase that a guy used for a reason he couldn’t date me past the first date.
I remember that date like it was yesterday.  He was a lawyer from Tulsa.  He drove to meet me and we had a lovely dinner at a great local restaurant.  It was the first time I had really dressed up for a date.  I wore the cutest “little black dress” and heels. I felt so pretty.  Our convo at dinner was a great, stimulating combination of quick wit and total sarcasm (my favorite).  He wasn’t someone I would’ve thought that I would’ve liked, but I did.  Then, as we are walking to the car after dinner, he says “I just got an email from work.  Looks like I am gonna have to go.”.  Huh?  When did he even check his phone?  I never left the table and never saw him on his phone.  And when did lawyers get urgent emails on a Saturday night at 10pm and have to jet out of the parking lot like a race car driver?  Whatever, dude.  Clearly we weren’t going to be going out again.  He could’ve just disappeared into the moonlight.  But he didn’t.  He sent a text the next day saying that he was sorry, but he didn’t think we were a match and he just couldn’t date someone with log legs.
Took me a long time to get past that one. Obviously, I am still hanging on to it a bit because I am still talking about it.  I even catch myself wondering what he would think now.  I’m way bigger than I was 7 years ago when he last saw me.  What word would he use to describe something bigger and stumpier than logs?  I think if I saw him today, I wouldn’t even say the snarky things that normally cross my mind.  I think I would just look at him and smile and think to myself “You silly little man.  I hate that you are missing out on who I have become.  But then again, you and your overly hairy arms and Tommy Bahama shirts don’t deserve to see who I have become”.
That story is all I thought about as I loaded the pics of this outfit.  Add in my discomfort in tucking in my shirt and exposing my untamed stomach to you and the you get Alicia ascending into self-hate at a rapid pace!  Shame on me for giving it that much energy.  As with any other bad thoughts, self-hate, or worry that start to creep in, I play the truth game.  Luckily, playing it with this saved the day!
  1.  This outfit is awesome.  Possibly my new favorite outfit.
  2. I do have large legs.  They hold me up.
  3. I do have large ankles.  They also keep me upright (most of the time)
  4. I look great in this outfit
  5. I need big limbs to carry around big awesomeness
  6. So what that I tucked my shirt in.  People do it all the time.  You can too, Alicia!
So I made a deal with my legs/ankles.  You guys keep carrying me around, and I’ll keep working to lighten your load.  And I will never bring around a guy who talks to you like that ever again!

Published by Fancy Pants

🦄Jubilant 🙌🏻Showered in grace 👑Forgiven 👗Seeker of awesome outfits to sport

10 thoughts on “Dear Guy Who Said “I can’t date you because of your log legs”…..

  1. What a lovely post! I love your confidence and want to tell how important it is to appreciate yourself. You definitely look gorgeous in that outfit, it’s totally your thing and compliments you well x


  2. Hi, just stopped by to say that I really enjoyed going through your post; very cool and interesting (and stylish too!!) Keep it up!
    Come check out my blog if you get the time, would love to know what you think!
    Keep blogging!
    p.s. love the way you write, and your beauty and confidence..if a guy can’t see that, he doesn’t deserve you!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love the confidence and self-love on this blog and really hope to do the same on mine. I know this might come out a little bit odd but I just wanted to let you know I’ve fallen into old habits recently and not been very well but I found this post very uplifting- what I’m poorly articulating is thank you because I really needed this kind of positivity today. P.s it’s true you do look bomb af in that outfit! xoxo


    1. Thank you so much for such a sweet note! I fall into old habits more than I care to admit! We are all in this together 🙂 and nobody makes it out alive, so we might as well stick together! So very glad this helped you a little today!
      P.S. I FEEL bomb in this outfit so thank you for saying that 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I loved this post! You don’t just look beautiful I can tell you are actually beautiful (there is a big difference!) I hate my legs too. My husband is always being so kind and I just keep on hating. Thank you for talking and sharing. We’ve got to stick together!


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